Rod & Sons Carpentry, Inc.

About Us

Family Owned for Over 50 Years

Between 1993 to 1994, Brad became the lead carpenter and worked with the architect David Salmela building many AIA award winning homes. By 1995 Brad and Curt had built 16 of Salmela's design homes with the Jim Brandenburg's " Ravenwood" home being the most dedicated project.

On December 1, 2000 Brad was presented the AIA Contractor of the Year Award as a Master craftsman with Rod and Sons Carpentry. 

In 2002 the Mesaba Daily News front page photo and article featured Brad and Jim Brandenburg story in regards to Rod and Son's building the Brandenburg residence in Ely. This led to many more comments from the public regarding their fine craftsmanship.

Rod and Son's also built a spec home in the Ely area.  An article in the "Rake" magazine featured this home.